ChatGPT, Bard, OpenAI, even Siri! Nothing is safe anymore from the enhanced learning and artificial intelligence of computers, right? It seems every day there are news headlines about AI doing something different. From creating games, assistant chatbots, research, paper writing, even creating creepy commercials and art work. If you aren’t at least watching the space than you could be missing out on a growing trend…and fear among many professionals.

Will AI Replace Us?

I can understand the fear around AI and replacing jobs in some industries. Currently, I think they are overblown as the technology is actually still in its infancy and therefore still very expensive to operate on a scale where I think a company would put resources into replacing jobs. That being said, there are certainly places where humans with those jobs could have an advantage if allowed to try the waters of AI assistance.

Reasons to Use it NOW

To prove this point, I asked ChatGPT to write this section for me. It even included links to sources for its reasons on selling you on itself!

AI chatbots are software programs that can communicate with humans in natural language through text or voice. They can provide many benefits for businesses and customers, such as:

AI chatbots are the future of customer service and business communication. They can help businesses save costs, increase efficiency, and enhance customer loyalty.

Not bad right? Writing small paragraphs like this is just the tip of the ice berg. People are using tools like ChatGPT to automate their lives, predict behavior, even make music and videos. At Sanvaro Media, we’ve been utilizing AI tools for image creation and content creation for clients big and small. The time saved and the ideas generated have become a force multiplier in our customer success stories.

Technical Costs

One thing I don’t see mentioned a lot is the actual costs associated with running a model like ChatGPT at scale. It’s estimated to cost upwards of $100,000 per day in server costs alone with Microsoft’s Azure platform. Not to mention the energy required to run the complex language pattern recognition and then respond quickly to users – this is not an easy or cheap trick. The good news is, this will become less of a problem as technology becomes better and more affordable.

What Next?

AI and machine learning assisted technologies will become integrated into our everyday lives more and more. Soon, you won’t even notice or care if you are talking to a human or a computer (this might already be the case at some companies). Job descriptions could change, and some may cease to exist at all in the next 5 years. If you are interested in testing the waters of what AI can do for you, drop us a line!

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